Robert Wertz Design

Why Not

The Waste Naute system will provide an international solution to Third World waste disposal shortfalls.
Home Bio Merkaba Mandala Waste Naute Foresta Illuminata
Projects Labyrinth Design & Fabrication Photographic Suite
Crucifixions Liberate Merkaba Mandala Meditation Medallion
Rooftop Labyrinth Stone Labyrinth Candelabra  Paths to Peace
Regard-Disregard: A Strategy for Dialogue Over Violence
Galleries Nested Vessel 1 Nested Vessel 2 Nested Vessel 4
Nested Vessel 5 Nested Vessel 6 Bouquet Crowned Vessel
Walking Merkaba Christmas Day Walking Merkaba Rosh Ha Shana
Links of Interest Contact Robert Wertz E-Mail Robert Wertz